Mar 2, 2011 00:00 · 504 words · 3 minutes read
Now a days everyone wants to learn to code and slowly it has become an indispensable skill. According to me, learning new languages isn’t enough, we have to be comfortable with the technologies and be able to work with it. The rapid evolution of technology forces us to constantly reconsider which skills are in demand. Learning new technologies or being up to date with what we already know is very important. The best way to keep ourself up to date is by doing various projects. Here are some of my projects that are worth mentioning.
iOS Application Development
Jan, 2015 - Jul, 2016
- Design and develop applications for the iOS platform.
- Define contracts with the backend for consuming APIs.
- Identify and correct bottlenecks and fix bugs.
- Maintain code quality and app performance.
Elastic Search iOS Client Library
Mar, 2017 - Present
- Developing iOS client library for elastic search
- Performing optimal write and read request to the elatics clusters through RESTful APIs
- Streaming Data using socket programming
- GitHub Link
Multicasting in Delay Tolarent Networking
Aug, 2016 - Nov, 2016
- Optimized performance in Delay Tolerant Networks by implementing multicast routing between nodes for unicast based routing protocols.
- Simulated the network for Spray and Wait, First Contact and PRoPHET routing protocols on the Opportunistic Network Emulator (ONE) using a group based logical node identifier.
- Evaluated performance of the network for various simulation parameters such as protocol, number of nodes, number of groups, movement model and time-to-live (TTL).
- Report & Presentation
Automatic Generation of Compact Alphanumeric Shell-codes for x86
Jan, 2014 - Dec, 2014
We developed a tool which is a shell compiler which converts any given shellcode to complete alphanumeric shellcode. Alphanumeric shellcodes can bypass sanitization techniques and filters of system and using this we can attack systems vulnerable for buffer overflow attacks. This is a compact shellcode generator with optimized algorithms for x86 architecture.
Web Service Security
May, 2014 - Jul, 2014
Study of web-services security & analysis of web service penetration testing tools. Simulations of attacks, understanding the counter measure and developing new framework with ontology based detection and validation to counter attacks of web service security. This project was presented to Honorable Governor of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana Shri E.S.L. Narasimhan.
Alphanumeric Shellcode Generator for ARM Architecture
Jan, 2013 - May, 2013
We developed a tool which is a shell compiler which converts any given shellcode to complete alphanumeric shellcode. Alphanumeric shellcodes can bypass sanitization techniques and filters of system and using this we can attack systems vulnerable for buffer overflow attacks.
Hardened Password Implementation
Aug, 2016 – Sep, 2016
Improved the entropy of password work factor by integrating the dynamic keystrokes into authentication system. The system adds more security without compromising with psychological acceptability at the user’s end. No physical storage of password required, the password used for encrypting the key dynamics is generated on fly when user provides the account password, resilient to bruteforce attack.